Make a Gift

The Stravitz-Sanyal Institute for Liver Disease and Metabolic Health builds on the success of VCU’s nationally recognized hepatology and liver transplant programs. Our physicians and scientists infuse a patient-centered approach with the latest scientific innovations to expand clinical care and foster the development of current and future generations of investigators.

“It's not about the gift. It's about patients, it’s about the power behind medical research, which is phenomenal. We are on the cusp of really changing medicine now.”

R. Todd Stravitz, M.D.

For the love of your liver

Your philanthropic gift will be put to work to support faculty members, trainees, research programs and life-changing patient care.

Make a difference now

If you have questions about how to help fund innovative research, support future physicians and scientists, and change the lives of patients living with liver disease, please contact:

Niles Eggleston
Assistant Vice President for Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations
585-353-2812 (cell)

The Power of Giving